Monday, January 7

Fells Track Investigation On-Going




NEW BABBAGE, NB — Though the scree has barely settled, the investigation into the gargantuan cataclysm caused to the train tracks in the Fells north of the city of New Babbage has already commenced, according to Commander of the City Milita, Commodore J Daggar.

'We are pursuing all leads, but can offer no further comment at this time' as anything said might 'jeopardize the case.' she stated yesterday, to a reporter of the New Babbage Free Press.  Daggar added, 'in the meantime construction of a temporary timber bridge will begin immediately, so commerce is effected as little as possible.'

When asked about the public suspicion that someone exalted within New Babbage government might be censurable for the abject mayhem, she further added, 'No comment.'

Later in the day, however, the office of the mayor released a statement to the press stating that the Tiny Scallion Group, an anarchist organization, claimed responsibility for the heinous act, and further threatened future outrages.

Mr O Underby, acting mayor in lieu of Mayor Clockwinder Tenk, condemned the political philosophy of anarchism, thusly, 'Rules and regulations are the very bedrock of modern society, to abandon that in favor of self governing would be akin to volunteering to return to living in grass huts.'

When asked about the public suspicion that someone exalted within New Babbage government might be censurable for the abject mayhem, he further added, 'No comment.'

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